Shares of Avenue Supermarts soared 13.33 per cent to ₹4,100.00 on the BSE at 9.57AM after the company reported a 43 per cent surge in revenue for the quarter ended December 31, 2024.
According to its exchange filing, Avenue Supermarts Ltd., the company behind the popular DMart retail chain, announced that for the third quarter (Q3) of FY 2024-25, its standalone revenue from operations surged by 17.5 per cent to reach ₹15,565.23 crore, compared to ₹13,247.33 crore in the same period last year.
Furthermore, the company also boasts a growing network with 387 stores as of December 31, 2024.
This consistent growth reflects DMart’s strong position in the Indian retail market.
The stock hit a 52-week high of ₹5,484.00 on September 24, 2024, and a 52-week low of ₹3,400.00 on December 20, 2024, on the BSE.