इन 2 बॉलीवुड अभिनेत्रियों पर जान छिड़कता था ये भारतीय क्रिकेटर, कपिल शर्मा के शो पर खुल गया राज

The Great Indian Kapil Sharma Show Navjot Singh Sidhu: क्रिकेट और बॉलीवुड का कनेक्शन बहुत पुराना रहा है. एमएस धोनी से लेकर मोहम्मद अजहरुद्दीन जैसे नामी खिलाड़ियों का बॉलीवुड अभिनेत्रियों के साथ अफेयर रहा है. अब भारत के पूर्व क्रिकेटर हरभजन सिंह ने दिग्गज खिलाड़ी नवजोत सिंह सिद्धू को लेकर बहुत बड़ा राज खोल दिया है. हरभजन ने ‘द ग्रेट इंडियन कपिल शर्मा शो’ पर बताया कि नवजोत कभी बॉलीवुड अभिनेत्री करिश्मा कपूर को पसंद किया करते थे.

कॉमेडियन कपिल शर्मा ने अपने शो के हालिया एपिसोड में हरभजन सिंह और नवजोत सिंह सिद्धू से बॉलीवुड में रहे अपने-अपने रिलेशनशिप के संबंध में सवाल पूछा. जैसे ही कपिल ने यह सवाल पूछा, तभी भारत के ऑफ-स्पिन गेंदबाज की जुबान फिसल गई. उन्होंने हाथों में माइक लिया और पुणे में खेले गए एक मैच का जिक्र करते हुए बहुत बड़ा खुलासा कर दिया.

हरभजन सिंह ने कहा कि सिद्धू, करिश्मा कपूर को पसंद किया करते थे. वो केवल पसंद ही नहीं बल्कि करिश्मा के बारे में बात करते नहीं थकते थे. हरभजन अनुसार उनके ऊपर इस बॉलीवुड अभिनेत्री का दीवानापन चरम पर था. एक मैच के दौरान संदीप शर्मा गेंदबाजी कर रहे थे. हरभजन ने बताया कि सिद्धू एक चौके के बाद उठे और संदीप को बोले, ‘लोलो (करिश्मा कपूर) बहुत खूबसूरत है बेटे.”

माधुरी दीक्षित भी थीं पसंद

इसी एपिसोड में नवजोत सिंह सिद्धू की वाइफ नवजोत कौर भी मौजूद रहीं. उन्होंने बताया कि उनके हसबैंड का सिर्फ करिश्मा कपूर ही नहीं बल्कि माधुरी दीक्षित के लिए भी क्रश था. भारतीय दिग्गज क्रिकेटर माधुरी दीक्षित का नाम लेकर अपनी वाइफ को चिढ़ाया करते थे. नवजोत सिंह सिद्धू अब राजनीति और क्रिकेट में कमेंट्री के लिए जाने जाते हैं. दूसरी ओर हरभजन सिंह ने बॉलीवुड अभिनेत्री गीता बसरा से शादी की है.

यह भी पढ़ें:

Border Gavaskar Trophy: ट्रेनिंग में ही दो टी20 मैच खेल जाते हैं विराट कोहली, बॉर्डर-गावस्कर ट्रॉफी से पहले बड़ा खुलासा

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ट्रेनिंग में ही दो टी20 मैच खेल जाते हैं विराट कोहली, बॉर्डर-गावस्कर ट्रॉफी से पहले बड़ा खुलासा

Virat Kohli Training Border Gavaskar Trophy 2024: विराट कोहली की टेस्ट मैचों में फॉर्म भारत के लिए चिंता का विषय बनी हुई है. इस साल उन्होंने 12 पारियों में महज 250 रन बनाए हैं. इस बीच बॉर्डर-गावस्कर ट्रॉफी 2024 अब बस शुरू होने ही वाली है, उससे पहले भारतीय टीम के फील्डिंग कोच रह चुके आर श्रीधर ने हैरतअंगेज खुलासा किया है. ऑस्ट्रेलिया के खिलाफ आगामी सीरीज के लिए भी कोहली को नेट्स में खूब पसीना बहाते देखा गया. अब श्रीधर ने बताया है कि ‘किंग कोहली’ आखिर किस तरह और कितनी देर ट्रेनिंग करते हैं.

TOI अनुसार आर श्रीधर ने कहा कि यह विराट कोहली के करियर का अलग चरण है, लेकिन फिटनेस के मामले में वो अब भी चरम पर हैं. पूर्व फील्डिंग कोच ने बताया कि कोहली पहला टेस्ट मैच खेलने से पूर्व ही शायद ऑस्ट्रेलियाई पिचों पर 1000-1500 गेंद खेल चुके होंगे. उनके अनुसार सेना (SENA) देशों (दक्षिण अफ्रीका, इंग्लैंड, न्यूजीलैंड, ऑस्ट्रेलिया) में कोहली एक अलग ही लेवल की ट्रेनिंग करते हैं.

विराट कोहली की ट्रेनिंग

आर श्रीधर ने कहा, “विराट कोहली जब भी SENA देशों में खेलने जाते हैं, तब वो पहले टेस्ट से पूर्व ही ट्रेनिंग में जान झोंक देते हैं. वो 10-12 दिन पहले आ जाते हैं और बहुत सारे ट्रेनिंग सेशन करते हैं. वो हर एक ट्रेनिंग सेशन में 200-250 गेंदों का सामना करते हैं. वो अभ्यास और सिम्यूलेशन मैचों के अलावा नेट्स में बहुत सारा समय बिताना पसंद करते हैं. वो आमतौर पर अभ्यास के लिए उस पिच का चयन करते हैं, जिस पर खेलना सबसे कठिन हो.” 

ट्रेनिंग के ये आंकड़े इसलिए बेहद रोचक हैं क्योंकि 240 गेंदों में एक पूरा टी20 मैच समाप्त हो जाता है. बॉर्डर-गावस्कर ट्रॉफी इतिहास में विराट कोहली ने 24 मैचों की 41 पारियों में बैटिंग की है, जिनमें उनके नाम 1,979 रन हैं. वो ऑस्ट्रेलिया के खिलाफ इस सीरीज के इतिहास में 8 शतकीय पारी भी खेल चुके हैं.

यह भी पढ़ें:

बॉर्डर-गावस्कर ट्रॉफी से पहले रवि शास्त्री के बयान से सब हैरान, भारत के स्टार बल्लेबाज को लेकर क्या बोले

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RBI’s FX interventions intended to ensure that the market is liquid and deep, and functioning in an orderly manner, say officials

The RBI’s interventions in the foreign exchange (FX) market are intended to ensure that the market is liquid and deep, and functioning in an orderly manner, according to central bank officials.

In an article “State of the Economy” in RBI’s latest monthly bulletin, the officials underscored that India’s FX reserves are used to shore up investors’ confidence, ensure that the forex market remains liquid and deep, especially when there are large capital outflows.

Further, the reserves are also meant to mitigate financial stability risks all of which can have real sector implications.

Exchange rate policy

Seeking to address the issue of INR’s exchange rate policy raised in some quarters, the officials observed that since 2020, the world economy, including India, is grappling with a prolonged period of heightened uncertainty unlike previous crises — the global financial crisis (2008) and the taper tantrum (2013) in which India was either a bystander or there was only ‘talk’.

Notwithstanding the overlapping polycrises being experienced since 2020, reserve depletions, net of valuation losses, are actually comparable across all these events, they said.

Furthermore, forex market interventions (FXI) need to be adjusted for the economy’s size to draw a fair conclusion. India’s GDP in US$ terms averaged US$ 1,186 billion during 1994-2018 and US$ 3,248 billion during 2019-2024.

Following the aforementioned principle, the officials found that RBI’s net interventions to GDP averaged 1.6 per cent during February to October 2022, against 1.5 per cent during the earlier crises, which were of much lower magnitude.

As a result, volatility of the INR – as extracted from options prices as well as Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) estimates and 30 days rolling standard deviations – has been steadily declining. This has had beneficial effects in terms of anchoring financial stability

The officials said iIt is worth noting that the INR depreciated by 7.8 per cent during 2022-23 and by 1.4 per cent for 2023-24. The INR’s lower order of depreciation in 2023-24 reflected the strengthening of India’s macro-fundamentals.

They emphasised that the inference by some commentators that the exchange rate policy stance has significantly impacted India’s export competitiveness is not substantiated by evidence.

The officials observed that the sensitivity of India’s merchandise exports to real exchange rate changes seems to have come down over the years, reflecting diversification across markets and export items, rising technology intensity and higher value addition in manufacturing exports, increasing participation in global supply chains, and improving productivity and competitiveness.

Thus, the emphasis in India’s export effort is shifting towards expanding market share on the basis of improvements in quality and cutting edge technology without the need for artificial props such as from an undervalued exchange rate.

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Government notifies Telecommunications (Telecom Cyber Security) Rules, 2024

New Delhi

The government on Thursday notified the Telecommunications (Telecom Cyber Security) Rules, 2024 that give power to the Centre to seek from a telecommunication entity traffic data and any other data, other than content of messages.

The government may access these contents and direct a telecommunication entity to establish necessary infrastructure for collection of such data from designated points.

The Gazette notification said that the data so collected is for the purpose of enhancing telecom cyber security.

It said the data collected can be disseminated to any agency of the Central government engaged in law enforcement and security related activities.

The notification also said that no person shall endanger telecom cyber security or send any message which adversely affects telecom cyber security. It has also specified rules against misuse of telecommunication equipment by fraud, cheating or impersonation and transmitting any message which is fraudulent or any other means which may have security risk on telecom cyber security.

However, the government has not fixed any stringent penalty for such fraudulent activities other than suspension or permanent disconnection of the user for a period of one year from the date of issuance of the order of suspension or permanent disconnection which may be extended up to three years.

The notification prescribes appointment of a Chief Telecommunication Security Officer.

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Leadership is common sense, says actor and activist Aamir Khan whose Paani Foundation is creating social impact in Maharashtra

Actor, film producer, social activist…Aamir Khan wears multiple hats. So which role gives him the greatest joy?

“I get the greatest fun and enjoyment when I am part of problem solving. It may be part of a film, it may be a social issue or it may be any small problem,” responds the actor, who devotes considerable time to his Paani Foundation that is working to address the problem of severe water shortage across Maharashtra and improve the lives of small farmers.

India has a million problems – so why did the actor, who discussed a lot of social issues in his TV chat show Satyamev Jayate choose water? “Water is a foundational problem. It is a basic requirement. We need water for everything,” is his forceful reply.

Khan was in Delhi for Dialogues on Development Management (DoDM), a conference on management for sustainable social change organised by the Indian School of Development Management. NGOs of all hues, from all over the country, were in force at the event which kicked off with Khan’s plenary session with Amit Chandra, Founder A.T.E. Chandra Foundation and Satyajit Bhatkal, CEO Paani Foundation. Ably steered by Chandra, the two described how communication and creating a people’s movement had a huge role to play in the impact created by Paani Foundation.

Later, in an exclusive chat with Businessline, the actor draped in a richly embroidered velvety shawl (gifted by his sister, he said) dived deeper into the work done by Paani Foundation set up in 2016 by him and his ex wife Kiran Rao.

Making an impact

How soon did the Foundation begin to make impact? “Oh, in the first year itself,” he says. “It was an audacious experiment and we got people excited without offering any money, only knowledge and training. As communicators, we encouraged and inspired,” he said pointing to how each village sent people for training and adopted the watershed development plans with gusto creating water capacities.

So what is the current situation? Is it ready to scale and take to other states? “No,” is the surprising answer. “After working for four years in developing water capacities and creating supply, we realised that the villagers were not trained in how to use water. When water arrived, they started growing the same old sugarcane, taking us back to square one. We realised then that we needed to train people in agriculture too. Now we are going deeper into that and looking at making it economically viable for small farmers. Then there is the market to crack too. Once we crack all these pieces, we will have a viable model in place. We are still only a half way through.”

Digital tools

Khan also said that the Foundation was working on an app and digital tools to reach more people.

So how much time does the actor take out for Paani Foundation? “In the first four years, he gave no less than one third of his entire working time to Paani foundation,” responds Bhatkal. “Aamir and Kiran travelled extensively and to the remotest villages in Maharashtra. Now in this phase, when we are working with farmer producer organisations, that much of his time is not required.”

Ask Khan what he learnt from his interactions with villagers, and he says one learning was that there is a lot of hope in people. “The other big learning is that if you put your heart into something, you can achieve the impossible. But the biggest learning is that when you interact with people with respect and love, then that dynamically changes whatever you are doing.”

Given the way he has created a people’s movement, any lessons on leadership for India Inc? “None. Leadership is nothing but common sense,” retorts Khan.

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