Elon Musk‘s micro-blogging platform X (formerly Twitter) announced the launch of its “Community Notes” programme in India on Thursday. The platform said that this programme will allow users to participate in fact-checking tweets shared on the platform, creating a more informed digital environment.

X’s affiliate handle, Community Notes said: “Welcome new contributors in India. Our first contributors are joining today, and we’ll be expanding over time. As always, we’ll monitor quality to ensure that notes are found helpful by people from different points of view. Community Notes now has contributors in 69 countries around the world, and we’re adding more regularly…”

According to X, “Community Notes” will help “combat misinformation by enlisting individuals from diverse backgrounds as note authors, and the platform refrains from endorsing any specific viewpoint, instead relying on the collective input of contributors to assess content credibility.”

Essential guidelines to become a contributor

To become a contributor to “Community Notes”, accounts must meet specific criteria outlined by X such as having no recent violations of X’s rules, being a member of X for at least six months, and having a verified phone number from a trusted carrier not associated with other “Community Notes” accounts.

Steps to become a contributor to “Community Notes”

-Click on the menu on a post’s top right and select “Write a Community Note”

-Answer required multiple-choice questions

-Provide contextual information

-A note will be available on the “Community Notes” site for other contributors to read and rate

The notes claiming that a post is misleading will be eligible to be shown on the post if rated as helpful by enough people. Notes claiming a post is not misleading will be shown as additional information but will not be displayed on the post if they earn a status of “Helpful”. If a note earns the status of “Helpful”, it will be shown on X as context, and the contributor will then earn “Writing Impact”. Contributors have the option to delete their notes at any time.

According to X, there is a restriction on the number of note proposals a user can submit within a 24-hour period in order to maintain the quality of notes and prevent spams.

First Published: Apr 04 2024 | 1:24 PM IST

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