Two top executives of PB Fintech are planning to sell some portion of their stake in the company for ₹1,053 crore through block deals with a floor price of ₹1,258 per share, a 6 per cent discount to the closing share price on Thursday.

According to the term-sheet seen by businessline, Yashish Dahiya and Alok Bansal will be selling 54 lakh shares and 29.7 lakh shares respectively, cumulatively representing 1.86 per cent equity of the fintech. According to the shareholding pattern at the end of March 2024, Dahiya held 4.63 per cent stake or 2.1 crore shares in the company, while Bansal held 75.4 lakh shares or 1.67 per cent stake.

Bansal is Vice-Chairman and Whole-Time Director at the company, and Dahiya is PB Fintech’s Chairman, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer.

PB Fintech is the parent entity of Policybazaar, an online insurance aggregating platform.

Morgan Stanley India is the book runner for the deal.

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